5 Signs of Low Testosterone in Men

As men age, they tend to see their energy, stamina, and libido start to diminish. When this starts to interfere with their daily lives, however, many men might ask themselves, “Do I have low testosterone?”

Low testosterone is more common than many might think. Almost 5 million men in the United States have low T levels. Luckily, there are telltale signs for men to watch out for, and there is treatment available.

What Is Testosterone?

‌Testosterone is a complex and important hormone that almost every human body makes, but men produce it in greater amounts than women. In men, testosterone is produced in the testes, from where it goes on to affect everything from muscle and bone mass to sperm production and sex drive. 

What Is Low Testosterone?

Many men are affected by low testosterone levels. In fact, this condition affects nearly 40% of men older than 45

The American Urological Association defines low testosterone levels as anything below 300 ng/dl. Doctors might diagnose a man with levels this low with male hypogonadism or an androgen deficiency, but these are just other ways of referring to low testosterone.

5 Signs of Low Testosterone

While it’s normal for testosterone levels to slowly decrease with age, a rapid drop can have a negative effect on many facets of a man’s life. It’s important for men to seek medical help if they notice any of the following signs come on unexpectedly. 

‌1. Low Libido

Low libido is probably one of the most well-known symptoms of low testosterone. While sex drive does tend to decrease with age in men, a drastic drop in testosterone can lead to a libido that is lower than it should be for one’s age.

‌2. Erectile Dysfunction

Studies have shown that nearly one in three men who complain of erectile dysfunction to a doctor actually have low testosterone. While the direct connection between erectile dysfunction and low testosterone levels isn’t clear, it is clear that the two are correlated.

‌3. Fatigue

Many men may not realize that there’s more to low testosterone levels than what goes on in the bedroom. In fact, one of the most common symptoms is chronic fatigue, tiredness that doesn’t go away after sleep. One of testosterone’s major functions is to generate energy, so when levels are low, energy dips, too.

‌4. Depression or Mood Changes

Low levels of testosterone have been linked to depression in both men and women. The reason why is uncertain. What is known is that higher levels of testosterone affect a man’s appearance, possibly causing him to become more confident in himself. With low testosterone levels, the opposite is likely true.‌

‌5. Loss of Muscle Mass

One of testosterone’s most pivotal roles in the body is encouraging muscle growth. It also helps men burn fat more effectively, allowing them to turn it into energy. When testosterone levels are low, men lose this boon to muscle growth, making it harder to stay in shape.‌

Testosterone Replacement Therapy as a Treatment for Low Testosterone

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a treatment that can potentially help men who have low testosterone. Doctors may prescribe TRT to help replenish testosterone to normal levels.

TRT patients usually begin to see results in two to three months once the body has had time to readjust to the higher testosterone levels. While every man will have a different experience with TRT, many men feel benefits such as increased self-confidence, more satisfying workouts, better sex, and more energy.

Physically, many men undergoing TRT report higher muscle mass and improved fat metabolism. These benefits go beyond just appearance — an attractive man is a confident man, and that confidence carries on into the bedroom. Men’s partners love to see them with the increased vitality and endurance gained from restoring their testosterone levels.‌‌

Looking for TRT therapy in Scottsdale?

There are treatment options available for men with low testosterone. In the Scottsdale area, the healthcare professionals at Men’s Revival can come to your home to perform an in-home lab draw to help facilitate a diagnosis. A private telemedicine consultation with a doctor helps determine next steps, and each patient receives an individualized plan tailored to his body’s needs.‌

Low testosterone doesn’t have to be something you live with forever. Keep an eye out for the signs and know when to reach out for help.

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